Ortho 101: The science of moving teeth explained


Orthodontics is science & art combined.


Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry focused on correcting irregularities of the teeth and jaw, especially in how they align and fit together.


We can correct teeth that are misaligned, crowded, gapped and spaced. We can also correct problems with the alignment of the bite, including overbite, underbite, open bite, and crossbite. Orthodontic treatment is now faster, more comfortable, and more effective than in years past, making now a great time to transform your smile.

While many patients think of orthodontics as an effective way to improve the aesthetics of their smile, orthodontic treatment can also be very beneficial to your oral health and function. Correctly aligned teeth are generally at a lower risk for dental problems like tooth decay and gum disease, and orthodontics can also make it easier for you to chew, eat, and speak properly.


Braceology is a Digital Impressions Practice

We use the latest technology for dental impressions including an Invisalign ITERO computer and wand. This system takes a 3D picture of your teeth in mere minutes with no mess and no fuss. Comfortable, fast and convenient, Dr. Paige will scan your teeth during your initial consultation and be able to discuss treatment options with you referencing the digital scan.


Plastic Braces?

Tell me more about these clear plastic things you speak of….

The Invisalign System combines advanced 3-D computer graphics technology with the 100-year-old science of orthodontics. Invisalign aligners are designed to move your teeth in small steps to the desired final position prescribed by your orthodontist. Each aligner is precisely calibrated and manufactured to fit your mouth at each stage of the treatment plan. Your first step is to visit Dr. Paige to see if Invisalign is right for you. After sending precise treatment instructions, Invisalign uses advanced computer technology to translate these instructions in a sequence of finely calibrated aligners. Each aligner is worn for about seven days and only taken out to eat, brush and floss. As you replace each aligner with the next, your teeth will begin to move gradually, week-by-week, until the final alignment prescribed is attained.

Are you curious about what your dentist is talking about when they use words to describe your smile? Drag your laptop or phone over to the bathroom mirror to figure it out using the handy guide below!

Boom! First year of ortho school complete :)